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Business finance solutions: 10 reasons to choose factoring

When your business needs access to working capital, what are your options? Many small and medium enterprises find it difficult to obtain traditional bank finance in this economy; and even when they do, the approval and processing period can last weeks, sometimes even months.   Invoice factoring...
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Invoice finance: a growing business finance trend

Asset-based finance, a term used to describe funding against a range of balance sheet assets including invoices, is a well-established and fast-growing financing strategy that is used by businesses on a global scale. In the UK, for example, organisations are increasingly opting for asset-based finan...
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How healthy is your business?

A healthy business is a resilient, resourceful and forward-thinking business that can continue operating and meeting client expectations despite the ups and downs that are created by macro- and microeconomic factors. While many factors are out of your control, such as a natural disaster or political...
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Bridging the gap: interim finance solutions to suit your business

Increased regulatory scrutiny in the wake of the 2007-2008 financial crisis has put pressure on banks to adopt a more risk-averse culture and prohibitive customer onboarding processes. In this environment, like many organisations around the globe, you may find it challenging to access the finance yo...
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Factoring stands the test of time

Like all financing strategies, factoring has evolved over the centuries to keep pace with developments in the commercial world and the legal sphere, as well as the emergence of technology such as air travel, telecommunications and IT. However, through the ages, factoring has always remained true to ...
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Cash in on success: why cashflow is business-critical

The availability of cash resources is important to both the short- and long-term health of your company. You may be invoicing impressive sums of money, but until that cash is paid over to you, it can’t keep your business ticking over, fuel its growth, or protect you from the risk of unpaid bills a...
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Face up to the Factor – Factoring myths busted!

One of the most underutilised working capital tools in the South African SME environment is factoring or invoice discounting. We bust 3 Myths surrounding Factoring to showcase this very adaptable, and viable, finance option for growing businesses. Read our infographic to find out more....
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