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5 tips for managing your accounts receivable successfully

For a small or medium sized business, cash flow is critical. The client base may be growing. Sales may be up. But if accounts receivable are not managed in a sound and structured way, there simply won’t be enough capital to run the business effectively. If a business sells to customers on credit t...
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Dispelling common misconceptions about factoring

Many growing companies in South Africa, especially SMEs, are seeking business finance that provides more flexibility than a traditional bank loan or overdraft facility. Not all organisations are able to weather the lengthy approval processes that often go hand-in-hand with bank finance. They require...
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The value of having credit-worthy customers

Many business owners lose sleep agonising over their credit scores – which can be a major obstacle when applying for finance. A blip in your company’s credit record, even based on an issue that was resolved years ago, may affect your ability to access a bank loan or overdraft facility. Fortunate...
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Does factoring affect customer relationships?

SMEs in South Africa and abroad use factoring to improve their liquidity ratios and keep their business finances healthy. Factoring is a form of debtor finance that involves a company selling its invoices to a third party (a factoring company) to improve cash flow and ensure ready access to the work...
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Invoice factoring and invoice discounting: what’s the difference?

As a small or medium enterprise, you may be looking for an alternative source of business finance – a funding mechanism that does not carry the same limitations as a traditional bank loan. You may need faster access to finance than the banks are able to give you; or you may be looking for a [&hell...
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How factoring helps to reduce your risk of bad debt and losses

Regrettably, many businesses in South Africa have experienced a painful loss of income due to unpaid accounts receivable. Bad debt expenses occur when a business is unable to collect the funds that it is owed, because the debtor is facing bankruptcy or other financial problems, and all reasonable ef...
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A solution to the small business finance gap

Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are the driving force behind job creation in South Africa, where they provide employment to a significant portion of the population. According to the Business Partners SME Index for the fourth quarter of 2016, almost half – 47% – of local SMEs had hired new ...
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Cash flow squeeze? Invoice factoring may be able to assist you!

“Never take your eyes off the cash flow because it is the lifeblood of business.” – Richard Branson. Many small- and medium-sized businesses invoice healthy amounts for products delivered and services rendered, yet experience a cash flow crunch because their customers require market related cr...
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How to unlock your working capital

Every business needs funds to pay for the operational cycle – the time it takes to invest in the inventory required to produce goods or services, sell these and receive cash in return. To ensure they can continue operating efficiently through each cycle, as well as remain on a growth trajector...
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